Promotion in Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften

Promotion in Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften


Innerhalb der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Spezialisierung im PhD. Folgende Forschungsbereiche lassen sich unter anderem diesem Studienfeld zuordnen:

  • Anthropology 
  • Art History 
  • Classic Languages (Ancient Greek and Latin)
  • Creative Writing 
  • Criminology 
  • Culture Studies 
  • Development Studies & Peace Studies
  • Economics 
  • Language Studies 
  • Literature and Theatre Studies
  • Environmental Studies & Climate Change
  • Gender Studies 
  • Geography 
  • History 
  • Indigenous Studies 
  • Law and Justice
  • Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 
  • Media and Communications 
  • Philosophy 
  • Politics and International Studies 
  • Psychology 
  • Screen and Cultural Studies 
  • Sociology 

Dein genaues Forschungsthema kannst du in direkter Absprache mit den potentiellen Supervisor:innen abstimmen. Falls du noch keine feste Vorstellung für dein Thema hast, schau dir gerne einige der aktuell ausgeschriebenen Projekte an.

Auswahl möglicher Forschungsprojekte in Australien

PhD Humanities

University:Griffith University
Faculty:ARC Centre of Excellence for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (CEVAW)
Project Start Date:01.10.2024
Application Deadline:31.07.2024 (students interested in this or similar topics can contact the supervisor even after the deadline)
Supervisor Name:Professor Sarah Davies, Email: [email protected]
Location (City/Campus):Brisbane/Nathan Campus
Project Description:

We are seeking 2 highly motivated PhD candidates to join our team and contribute to a significant research project focusing on the intersection of shocks and violence against women (VAW). This project aims to analyse how different shocks, such as climate-induced disasters, conflicts, political instability, and health emergencies, impact various forms of VAW in the Indo-Pacific region including Asia, Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and the Blue Pacific.

The scholarship recipient will be located at the Nathan campus with the Griffith University Node of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (CEVAW), under the supervision of Professor Sara Davies, Deputy Director (Indo-Pacific Research), CEVAW.

The PhD candidate will benefit from multidisciplinary supervision provided by CEVAW’s Chief Investigators across different Australian universities as well as networking opportunities across academia and industry through conferences and CEVAW’s partner organisations, nationally and internationally.

The ARC Centre of Excellence for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (CEVAW) is the world’s first centre to tackle the full range of forms of violence against women in Australia and the Indo-Pacific region. CEVAW aims to transform our understanding of the problem by:

examining the structural drivers that cause and compound violence against women (VAW)
pioneering new, evidence-based approaches to inform trajectory-altering practice and policy.
CEVAW will generate fundamental knowledge on the causes of violence, the contexts in which it occurs, and the most effective and efficient responses. This interdisciplinary research will be data-driven, Indigenous-centred and co-designed with partners.

CEVAW brings together more than 40 world-leading experts to develop scalable approaches to eliminate violence against women across the legal, security, economic, health and political systems of Australia and the region. By building strategic and strong partnerships with Australian and international research institutions and partner organisations, CEVAW will translate research into innovative tools and strengthened capacity to drive the elimination of violence against women.

Funding Information

The 2024 Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship has an annual stipend of $33,480 (indexed) for a period of up to three years of full-time study. Please see the GUPRS Conditions of Award for more information. Competitive additional stipend rates available for successful Australian Indigenous applicants.

A successful International applicant will also be awarded a Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to cover tuition fees for up to three years. Please see the GUIPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

As a scholarship holder, you will study with a University that ranks among the top 2% worldwide and spans across campuses in South East Queensland. At Griffith University, we’ve worked hard to create a culture that will challenge you to be curious, creative and courageous. We also support the professional and personal development of all our HDR candidates and invest in the skills of our people. Griffith University values diversity, inclusion and flexibility and we encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, and people of all backgrounds to apply. Griffith's strategic goals are to also increase the proportion of women in senior academic and administrative roles and in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM).

Special Requirements

The selection of applicants for the award of higher degree research scholarships at Griffith University involves consideration of your academic merit and research background. To be successful within this role, you will have evidence of gender-based violence research, advocacy, or practitioner expertise.

You will have knowledge in applied research methodologies, and a strong desire to undertake field research across the Indo-Pacific.

Expressions of interest are welcome from domestic and international applicants (including citizens of Australia and or permanent residents of Aotearoa New Zealand)
If you are an international applicant who is currently offshore please consider the viability of travelling costs before submitting an expression of interest. Please see the FAQs web page for requirements for offshore international applicants.
Applicants must have completed, or expect to complete, a bachelors degree with honours equivalent to IIA/first class honours or a Masters degree (AQF Level 9) incorporating a significant research component of a standard comparable to a bachelor honours degree or be regarded by Griffith University as having an equivalent level of attainment in accordance with Schedule One of the HDR Scholarship Procedure. For further information on the eligibility requirements for the program refer here.
Please note:

A master’s, honours, or bachelor degree in a relevant field such as Gender Studies, International Relations, Sociology, Social Work, Law, Public Health, or Environmental Studies will be favourably considered.
Strong background in research methodologies, both qualitative and quantitative, is desirable.
Experience in conducting research and/or working in contexts affected by shocks is desirable.
Prior experience with field research in the Indo-Pacific region (including Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand) is desirable.
International applicants should ensure that English Language Proficiency requirements for the program are met before formally applying. Applicants to research programs will need to show they meet:

A minimum overall band score of 6.5 on the IELTS (Academic) with no band score less than 6.0 OR
A minimum score of 575 on the paper-based TOEFL including a score of no less than 5.0 on the TWE OR
A score of 79 on the internet-based (iBT) TOEFL with no sub-score less than 19

Additional Information

All expressions of interest must be submitted to [email protected] containing:

  • Statement addressing your suitability for the project and how you meet the eligibility criteria (no more than one page)
  • Research proposal outlining your proposed research question, a brief literature review on VAW and shocks and proposed mixed method research design (1000 words).
  • A writing sample as lead author or co-author (e.g. published paper, thesis, report)
  • Evidence that you have completed a program with the required grades for eligibility
  • Names of two referees
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) using the Griffith CV template.

The closing date for expressions of interest is: 5pm Thursday 31st July 2024

The preferred applicant will then be invited to apply for the program and scholarship online

Categories : PhD Law | PhD Humanities | GU Projects
University:Griffith University
Faculty:Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research (GCSCR)
Project Start Date:08.07.2024
Application Deadline:28.03.2024 (students interested in this or similar topics can contact the supervisor even after the deadline)
Supervisor Name:Dr Lauren Istvandity, Email: [email protected]
Location (City/Campus):Brisbane/Nathan Campus
Project Description:

The project is situated in the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research (GCSCR) at Griffith University. The GCSCR is dedicated to increasing our understanding of current challenges facing the modern world. Through the application of innovative humanities and social science research, incorporating the knowledge of academics from a broad range of interrelated disciplines, we are at the cutting edge of humanities and social science discourse.

You will be working with Dr Lauren Istvandity, a transdisciplinary cultural researcher with significant expertise in critical heritage studies and the sub-fields of memory studies, music heritage, and community well-being. Her research blends knowledge in cultural heritage with creative practice, producing a range of traditional and non-traditional outputs.

The candidate will have the opportunity to work alongside a multidisciplinary group of researchers, committed to creating new research that deepens our understanding of the challenges and issues confronting contemporary society.

Applications are invited for a dedicated PhD scholarship supporting a recently awarded ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award.

The focus of this candidate’s work is to investigate the ways in which cultural heritage institutions can better support culturally diverse communities through preservation of their cultural heritage. The project will apply a creative heritage methodology that will see communities engaging with an Australian collecting institution through creative practice.

This position will be held at Griffith University, Nathan Campus.

Funding Information

The 2024 Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship has an annual stipend of $33,480 (indexed) for a period of up to three years of full-time study. Please see the GUPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

A successful International applicant will also be awarded a Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to cover tuition fees for up to three years. Please see the GUIPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

Special Requirements

The selection of applicants for the award of higher degree research scholarships at Griffith University involves consideration of your academic merit and research background. The successful candidate will have a background in one or more of the following fields: critical and cultural heritage, applied creative practice, community arts, and/or migrant cultures. It is expected the candidate will have experience in qualitative methods, with skills in interviewing, focus groups, and analysis. Ideally, the candidate will have a keen interest or capacity in creative practice, experience working with communities, and the development of creative digital products.

Expressions of interest are welcome from domestic and international applicants.
Applicants must have completed, or expect to complete, a bachelors degree with honours equivalent to first class honours or a Masters degree (AQF Level 9) incorporating a significant research component of a standard comparable to a bachelor honours degree or be regarded by Griffith University as having an equivalent level of attainment in accordance with Schedule One of the HDR Scholarship Procedure. For further information on the eligibility requirements for the program refer here.
International applicants should ensure that English Language Proficiency requirements for the program are met before formally applying. Applicants to research programs will need to show they meet:

A minimum overall band score of 6.5 on the IELTS (Academic) with no band score less than 6.0 OR
A minimum score of 575 on the paper-based TOEFL including a score of no less than 5.0 on the TWE OR
A score of 79 on the internet-based (iBT) TOEFL with no sub-score less than 19

Additional Information

All expressions of interest must be submitted to [email protected] containing:

  • Statement addressing your suitability for the project/scholarship
  • Names of two referees
  • Evidence that you have completed a program with the required grades as detailed in the about you section, including a copy of your academic transcript
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) using the Griffith CV template.
  • Research proposal (max 300 words)

The closing date for expressions of interest is: 5pm Thursday 28 March 2024

The preferred applicant will then be invited to apply for the program and scholarship on-line

Categories : PhD Humanities | GU Projects
University:Griffith University
Faculty:Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution (ARCHE)
Project Start Date:08.07.2024
Application Deadline:31.03.2024 (students interested in this or similar topics can contact the supervisor even after the deadline)
Supervisor Name:Professor Julien Louys, Email: [email protected]
Location (City/Campus):Brisbane/Nathan Campus
Project Description:

This project will be undertaken through the Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution (ARCHE). ARCHE is a world leader in research and education on all aspects of human evolutionary studies.

At ARCHE, our goal is to cultivate an innovative and cooperative atmosphere that nurtures the upcoming cohort of human evolutionary scientists. We provide a diverse selection of research and educational prospects for students of every level, including undergraduates, honours, masters, and PhD students. Our exceptional supervisors and researchers, who possess the expertise to connect students with national and international research networks, field locations, and professional organizations, work alongside our students to offer a world-class learning experience. Our advanced facilities offer cutting-edge resources to facilitate research and learning on every facet of human evolution.

We provide a dynamic and cooperative research environment that seeks to understand how humans and their societies across the globe evolved over time. We emphasise the study of the biological and cultural evolution of humans and our place in the natural world, with a growing focus on Indigenous peoples of Australia, Asia, and the Pacific.

Prof Julien Louys and Dr Mathew Stewart are based in ARCHE and together have a wealth of experience in studying past environmental change, human-faunal interactions through time, and the use of geochemical data to examine evolutionary questions.

We are currently looking for a PhD candidate to join our research team in the examination of strontium isotopes of vertebrate fossil deposits of Sumatra. The primary focus of this role is to investigate the variability and source of the strontium isotopes of fossil teeth from cave deposits in the Padang Highlands.

This project will also examine the systematic palaeontology of the fossils, site formation processes and geochronology, and other geochemical analyses as necessary. Success in this role requires collaboration with interdisciplinary experts in palaeontology, geochemistry, and geology, as well as with Indonesian communities to ensure the ethical and respectful use of fossil and cave materials.

This position will be held at Griffith University, Nathan Campus.

Funding Information

The 2024 Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship has an annual stipend of $33,480 (indexed) for a period of up to three years of full-time study. Please see the GUPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

A successful International applicant will also be awarded a Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to cover tuition fees for up to three years. Please see the GUIPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

Special Requirements

The selection of applicants for the award of higher degree research scholarships at Griffith University involves consideration of your academic merit and research background. To be successful in a research project on strontium isotopes of Sumatra, you will be able to demonstrate a strong foundation in geology and palaeontology, as well as familiarity with speleology and stratigraphy. You will ideally have experience in fieldwork, data collection and analysis, as well as the ability to work independently and collaboratively with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. Fluency in Bahasa Indonesian and experience with undertaking research in Indonesia will be highly desirable. Overall, a successful candidate for this research project will be highly motivated, innovative, and committed to making a positive impact on the environment.

Expressions of interest are welcome from domestic and international applicants.
Applicants must have completed, or expect to complete, a bachelors degree with honours equivalent to first class honours or a Masters degree (AQF Level 9) incorporating a significant research component of a standard comparable to a bachelor honours degree or be regarded by Griffith University as having an equivalent level of attainment in accordance with Schedule One of the HDR Scholarship Procedure. For further information on the eligibility requirements for the program refer here.
Please note:

Desired experience includes fluency in Indonesian, geological and palaeontological fieldwork in Indonesia, and a Masters degree in Geosciences, Geological Engineering, or a related Earth Sciences program.
International applicants should ensure that English Language Proficiency requirements for the program are met before formally applying. Applicants to research programs will need to show they meet:

A minimum overall band score of 6.5 on the IELTS (Academic) with no band score less than 6.0 OR
A minimum score of 575 on the paper-based TOEFL including a score of no less than 5.0 on the TWE OR
A score of 79 on the internet-based (iBT) TOEFL with no sub-score less than 19

Additional Information

All expressions of interest must be submitted to [email protected] containing:

  • Statement addressing your suitability for the project/scholarship
  • Names of two referees
  • Evidence that you have completed a program with the required grades as detailed in the about you section, including a copy of your academic transcript
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) using the Griffith CV template.
  • Research proposal

The closing date for expressions of interest is: 5pm Sunday 31 March 2024

The preferred applicant will then be invited to apply for the program and scholarship on-line

Categories : PhD Humanities | PhD Earth Sciences | PhD Bio, Chemie | GU Projects
University:Griffith University

Creative Arts Research Institute, Queensland Conservatorium, and the Queensland College of Art and Design

Project Start Date:01.10.2024
Application Deadline:01.07.2024 (students interested in this or similar topics can contact the supervisor even after the deadline)
Supervisor Name:Professor Andrew Brown, Email: [email protected]
Location (City/Campus):Brisbane/South Bank Campus
Project Description:

The project team for the ARC project within which the research will be undertaken includes academics specialising in music, design and sociology from Griffith and RMIT universities.

The successful applicant will be based at Griffith University's South Bank campus in Brisbane, Australia working across the Creative Arts Research Institute, Queensland Conservatorium, and the Queensland College of Art and Design.

Applications are invited for enrolment in a scholarship-supported doctoral study that investigates DIY electronic musical practices in regional and remote Australia. Applicants should be a practice-based electronic/digital musician involved in rigorous development and evaluation of maker techniques and support materials. Proposals for study topics areas such as the following are particularly welcome:

Supporting practical digital music making in regional Australia
The application of digital fabrication methods in instrument design
The use of accessible and/or open-source hardware and software to support DIY sonic arts
Novel uses of creative music technology
Promoting community and social engagement in DIY digital music making

While the PhD project topic is deliberately open to allow candidates to develop their own specific ideas and interests drawing on their existing skills and experience, the successful applicant will be associated with an Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP240100680) that explores digital music making in regional Australia and they will be supervised by two of the Chief Investigators on that project, Professor Andrew Brown and Associate Professor John Ferguson.

Funding Information:

The 2024 Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship has an annual stipend of $33,480 (indexed) for a period of up to three years of full-time study. Please see the GUPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

A successful International applicant will also be awarded a Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to cover tuition fees for up to three years. Please see the GUIPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

Special Requirements:

The selection of applicants for the award of higher degree research scholarships at Griffith University involves consideration of your academic merit and research background. To be successful within this role, you will be a contemporary sonic practitioner working with digital and electronic materials. You will have evidence of a passion for electronic music, physical computing, microcontrollers, 3D printing, laser cutting and/or other associated creative technology workflows. You will have a strong desire to undertake research in one of the areas dot-pointed above.

Expressions of interest are welcome from domestic and international applicants.
Applicants must have completed, or expect to complete, a bachelors degree with honours equivalent to first class honours or a Masters degree (AQF Level 9) incorporating a significant research component of a standard comparable to a bachelor honours degree or be regarded by Griffith University as having an equivalent level of attainment in accordance with Schedule One of the HDR Scholarship Procedure. For further information on the eligibility requirements for the program refer here.
Please note:

International applicants should ensure that English Language Proficiency requirements for the program are met before formally applying. Applicants to research programs will need to show they meet:

A minimum overall band score of 6.5 on the IELTS (Academic) with no band score less than 6.0 OR
A minimum score of 575 on the paper-based TOEFL including a score of no less than 5.0 on the TWE OR
A score of 79 on the internet-based (iBT) TOEFL with no sub-score less than 19

Additional Information:

All expressions of interest must be submitted to [email protected] containing:

  • Statement addressing your suitability for the project/scholarship
  • Research proposal
  • Evidence that you have completed a program with the required grades as detailed in the about you section
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) using the Griffith CV template
  • Names and contact details of two referees

The closing date for expressions of interest is: 5pm Monday 1 July 2024

The preferred applicant will then be invited to apply for the program and scholarship on-line.

Categories : PhD Humanities | PhD Creative Industries | GU Projects

Grundlegendes zum Schwerpunkt Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften

Die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften liefern in Australien einen wichtigen Beitrag, um gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen zu analysieren, zu reflektieren und zu hinterfragen. Sie konzentrieren sich nicht nur auf die theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit gesellschaftlichen Systemen, sondern spielen eine Schlüsselrolle bei grundlegenden Transformationsprozessen. Laufende Forschungsprojekte erarbeiten auf der Grundlage aktueller Theorien, technologischer Entwicklung und der Betrachtung von sozialen Phänomenen ein Handlungswissen, das für die aktive Gestaltung und Umgestaltung von Gesellschaften existentiell ist.  Eine entscheidende Rolle spielt hier die multi- und interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit und eine starke internationale Vernetzung. 

Obwohl Humanities und Social Sciences aktuell nicht auf der Liste der „Australian Research Priorities“ stehen, leisten sie einen maßgeblichen Beitrag zu zentralen gesellschaftlichen Themengebieten. 

Deine Ansprechpartnerinnen im Bereich Forschung