Promotion in Creative Industries, Kommunikation und Medien

Promotion in Creative Industries, Kommunikation und Medien


Innerhalb der Creative Industries, Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Spezialisierung im PhD. Folgende Forschungsbereiche lassen sich unter anderem diesem Studienfeld zuordnen:

  • Advertising & Marketing
  • Creative Writing
  • Design
  • Communication
  • Digital Media
  • Digital Disruption
  • Digital Games
  • Fashion Design
  • Film
  • Journalism
  • Music
  • Software & Digital Content
  • Transmedia Arts
  • TV and Radio
  • Visual and Performing Arts

Dein genaues Forschungsthema kannst du in direkter Absprache mit den potentiellen Supervisor:innen abstimmen.

Auswahl möglicher Forschungsprojekte in Australien

PhD Creative Industries

University:Griffith University

Creative Arts Research Institute, Queensland Conservatorium, and the Queensland College of Art and Design

Project Start Date:01.10.2024
Application Deadline:01.07.2024 (students interested in this or similar topics can contact the supervisor even after the deadline)
Supervisor Name:Professor Andrew Brown, Email: [email protected]
Location (City/Campus):Brisbane/South Bank Campus
Project Description:

The project team for the ARC project within which the research will be undertaken includes academics specialising in music, design and sociology from Griffith and RMIT universities.

The successful applicant will be based at Griffith University's South Bank campus in Brisbane, Australia working across the Creative Arts Research Institute, Queensland Conservatorium, and the Queensland College of Art and Design.

Applications are invited for enrolment in a scholarship-supported doctoral study that investigates DIY electronic musical practices in regional and remote Australia. Applicants should be a practice-based electronic/digital musician involved in rigorous development and evaluation of maker techniques and support materials. Proposals for study topics areas such as the following are particularly welcome:

Supporting practical digital music making in regional Australia
The application of digital fabrication methods in instrument design
The use of accessible and/or open-source hardware and software to support DIY sonic arts
Novel uses of creative music technology
Promoting community and social engagement in DIY digital music making

While the PhD project topic is deliberately open to allow candidates to develop their own specific ideas and interests drawing on their existing skills and experience, the successful applicant will be associated with an Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP240100680) that explores digital music making in regional Australia and they will be supervised by two of the Chief Investigators on that project, Professor Andrew Brown and Associate Professor John Ferguson.

Funding Information:

The 2024 Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship has an annual stipend of $33,480 (indexed) for a period of up to three years of full-time study. Please see the GUPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

A successful International applicant will also be awarded a Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to cover tuition fees for up to three years. Please see the GUIPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

Special Requirements:

The selection of applicants for the award of higher degree research scholarships at Griffith University involves consideration of your academic merit and research background. To be successful within this role, you will be a contemporary sonic practitioner working with digital and electronic materials. You will have evidence of a passion for electronic music, physical computing, microcontrollers, 3D printing, laser cutting and/or other associated creative technology workflows. You will have a strong desire to undertake research in one of the areas dot-pointed above.

Expressions of interest are welcome from domestic and international applicants.
Applicants must have completed, or expect to complete, a bachelors degree with honours equivalent to first class honours or a Masters degree (AQF Level 9) incorporating a significant research component of a standard comparable to a bachelor honours degree or be regarded by Griffith University as having an equivalent level of attainment in accordance with Schedule One of the HDR Scholarship Procedure. For further information on the eligibility requirements for the program refer here.
Please note:

International applicants should ensure that English Language Proficiency requirements for the program are met before formally applying. Applicants to research programs will need to show they meet:

A minimum overall band score of 6.5 on the IELTS (Academic) with no band score less than 6.0 OR
A minimum score of 575 on the paper-based TOEFL including a score of no less than 5.0 on the TWE OR
A score of 79 on the internet-based (iBT) TOEFL with no sub-score less than 19

Additional Information:

All expressions of interest must be submitted to [email protected] containing:

  • Statement addressing your suitability for the project/scholarship
  • Research proposal
  • Evidence that you have completed a program with the required grades as detailed in the about you section
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) using the Griffith CV template
  • Names and contact details of two referees

The closing date for expressions of interest is: 5pm Monday 1 July 2024

The preferred applicant will then be invited to apply for the program and scholarship on-line.

Categories : PhD Humanities | PhD Creative Industries | GU Projects

Grundlegendes zum Schwerpunkt Creative Industries, Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften

Im Bereich der Creative Industries, Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften nehmen die australischen Universitäten eine internationale Vorreiterrolle ein. Während die Creative Industries zu den jüngeren Forschungsbereichen gehören, blicken die Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften auf eine etablierte Forschungstradition in Australien zurück. Mit zunehmender Überschneidung zwischen den einzelnen Teilgebieten gelingt es, Experimentierfreudigkeit, Innovation und kommerzielle Entwicklung mit kreativer Praxis, Design und moderner Kommunikation zu verbinden. Gerade vor dem Hintergrund moderner Technologien, neuer Kommunikationsstrategien und dem zunehmenden Einfluss digitaler Prozesse zeigt die Kreativbranche ihre Bedeutung als Innovationsmotor für fundamentale wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Prozesse. Ambitionierte Forschungsprojekte profitieren von einer fachübergreifenden und internationalen Vernetzung, die komplexere Ansätze für breitere Forschungs- und Praxisbereiche möglich macht.

Deine Ansprechpartnerinnen im Bereich Forschung