Promotion in Ingenieurswissenschaften, Informationstechnologie und Computer Sciences
Innerhalb der Ingenieurswissenschaften, Informationstechnologie und Computer Sciences gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Spezialisierung. Folgende Forschungsbereiche lassen sich unter anderem diesem Studienfeld zuordnen.
- Aerospace Engineering & Aviation
- Biomedical Engineering
- Computational Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
- Digital Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronic & Telecommunications Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Geographical Information Systems
- Health Technology
- Manufacturing, Materials & Mechatronics Engineering
- Machine Learning
- Mechanical & Automotive Engineering
- Minerals and Energy Resourcing Engineering
- Renewable Energies
IT und Computer Science:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Biosystems & Computational Biology
- Computer Architecture & Engineering
- Data Mining & Databases
- Distributed Computation
- Graphics
- High Performance Computing
- Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Information Technology
- Internet of Things
- Networks & Distributed Systems
- Operating Systems
- Security
- Software Engineering
- Theory & Algorithms
Dein genaues Forschungsthema kannst du in direkter Absprache mit den potentiellen Supervisor:innen abstimmen. Falls du noch keine feste Vorstellung für dein Thema hast, schau dir gerne einige der aktuell ausgeschriebenen Projekte an.
Auswahl möglicher Forschungsprojekte in Australien
PhD Engineering
University: | RMIT University |
Faculty: | Faculty of Science |
Project Start Date: | flexible |
Application Deadline: | ongoing |
Supervisor Name: | Professor Donald Wlodkowic, [email protected] |
Location (City/Campus): | Bundoora West, Melbourne |
Project Description: | Are you an engineer, software developer, or perhaps the AI wizard looking to make a big impact in environmental sciences and drug discovery? We have an exciting PhD project that is perfect for you! We are seeking talented and innovative PhD candidates to develop algorithms that enable video-based real-time tracking of aquatic model organisms in complex environments on a large scale. This interdisciplinary project will pioneer new algorithms and innovative methods to provide the world's first inherently scalable behavioral bioanalysis, unlocking cognitive research in aquatic eco-neurotoxicology and neuroactive drug discovery. Additionally, the outcomes of the project will enable novel scientific discoveries in neurobiology research on aquatic animals. The lack of automated and high-throughput cognitive tests in aquatic model organisms is a major deficiency, but with your help, we can change that. This project will provide the first-ever unbiased and automated analytical systems for cognitive eco- & neurotoxicology, allowing us to assess how diverse neuroactive pollutants and/or drugs affect higher neurological functions of aquatic animals. Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of ground-breaking research at the Neurotox Lab at RMIT University. As one of Australia's leading experts in eco-neurotoxicology, we are exploring how pollutants impact animal behavior and neurodevelopment, as well as elucidating the neurobiological foundations underlying changes in animal behavior. By joining this PhD project, you will have the opportunity to work in an exciting and rapidly growing interdisciplinary field. Apply now and join us in making a difference in the world. |
Funding Information: | The applicants can apply for RMIT Higher Degree by Research International Scholarship upon being granted an offer of admission to an RMIT research training program. The deadline for the next International Scholarship round will be 15th September 2023. |
Admission Requirements: | Any significant achievements such as e.g. publications will greatly increase the success rate during the scholarship application process. |
University: | Griffith University |
Faculty: | Centre for Quantum Dynamics |
Project Start Date: | 10.07.2024 |
Application Deadline: | 31.05.2024 (students interested in this or similar topics can contact the supervisor even after the deadline) |
Supervisor Name: | Dr Nora Tischler, Email: [email protected] |
Location (City/Campus): | Brisbane/Nathan Campus |
Project Description: | Griffith University’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics (CQD) undertakes world-leading research in quantum science and technology. The Centre comprises more than 40 researchers—including theorists and experimentalists—with strong collaborations. Our cutting-edge research encompasses many areas, including quantum information processing, quantum foundations, ultrafast quantum processes, and quantum biophysics. The Centre hosts a node of the Australian Research Council’s Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology and is also home to the Australian Attosecond Science Facility, the only laboratory in Australia where atoms, molecules and materials can be probed on sub-femtosecond timescales. We are currently looking for a PhD candidate to work in quantum information theory. The primary focus of this role is to contribute to an externally funded project about photonic quantum state generation and quantum non-locality. This project includes analytic theory, coding, and simulations in quantum optics and quantum information. Success in this role requires collaboration with an immediate team consisting of Dr Travis Baker, Dr Nora Tischler, and Prof Howard Wiseman; further collaborations are also likely with an extended network of physicists in Australia and across the world. As part of this project, there will be opportunities to travel to conferences, and to undertake a research stay in the USA. |
Funding Information: | The 2024 Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship has an annual stipend of $33,480 (indexed) for a period of up to three years of full-time study. Please see the GUPRS Conditions of Award for more information. A successful International applicant will also be awarded a Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to cover tuition fees for up to three years. Please see the GUIPRS Conditions of Award for more information. |
Special Requirements: | The selection of applicants for the award of higher degree research scholarships at Griffith University involves consideration of your academic merit and research background. To be successful within this role, you will be able to understand and work through complex mathematical/physics problems, have familiarity or interest in numerical programming techniques (e.g. Matlab, Python, or similar), apply independent problem-solving, and communicate scientific results clearly. You will have evidence of a passion for quantum science, with a strong desire to undertake research in optical quantum information theory. Expressions of interest are welcome from domestic and international applicants. Prior experience in any of the following areas is desired, but not necessary: semi-definite programming, algebraic geometry, matrix-product states, linear optical circuits. A minimum overall band score of 6.5 on the IELTS (Academic) with no band score less than 6.0 OR |
Additional Information: | All expressions of interest must be submitted to [email protected] containing:
The closing date for expressions of interest is: 5pm Friday 31 May 2024 The preferred applicant will then be invited to apply for the program and scholarship on-line |
Grundlegendes zum Schwerpunkt Ingenieurswissenschaften, Informationstechnologie und Computer Sciences
Forschung in den Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informationstechnologie und Computerwissenschaften ist in Australien wie in Deutschland sehr anwendungsorientiert. Forschungsprojekte in diesen Bereichen werden stark von wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen bestimmt und gefördert. In den „Australian Research Priorities“ sind sie mit Themenbereichen wie manufacturing, health technology, transportation, energy oder cyber security mehrfach vertreten. Durch inter- und transdisziplinäre Forschungszusammenarbeit mit nationalen und internationalen Partnern werden starke Allianzen geschaffen, um komplexe gesellschaftliche Probleme und Herausforderungen zu lösen.