Promotion in Medizin, Gesundheitswissenschaften und Psycholgie

Promotion in Medizin, Gesundheitswissenschaften und Psychologie


Innerhalb der Medizin, Gesundheitswissenschaften & Psychologie gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Spezialisierung. Folgende Forschungsbereiche lassen sich unter anderem diesem Studienfeld zuordnen.


  • Biotechnology
  • Biomechanics
  • Bionics
  • Critical Care & Trauma Medicine
  • Cell biology
  • Drug Discovery
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Epidemiology
  • Genetics
  • Genomics
  • Infection, Inflammation & Immunity
  • Injuries, Exercise & Rehabilitation
  • Neurosciences
  • Physiology
  • Pharmacology


  • Aging
  • Health Economics
  • Health Services
  • Health Systems & Innovation
  • Indigenous Health & Health Equity
  • Mental Health
  • Nutrition & Metabolic Health
  • Population & Global Health
  • Public Health
  • Reproductive Health


  • Behavioral Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology 
  • Cognition Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Health Psychology
  • Medical Psychology
  • Neuroscience
  • Organisational Psychology
  • Social Psychology

Dein genaues Forschungsthema kannst du in direkter Absprache mit den potentiellen Supervisor:innen abstimmen. Falls du noch keine feste Vorstellung für dein Thema hast, schau dir gerne einige der aktuell ausgeschriebenen Projekte an.

Auswahl möglicher Forschungsprojekte in Australien

PhD Health Sciences

University:Griffith University
Faculty:Menzies Health Institute Queensland
Project Start Date:31.10.2024
Application Deadline:30.08.2024 (students interested in this or similar topics can contact the supervisor even after the deadline)
Supervisor Name:Professor Laura Diamond, Email: [email protected]
Location (City/Campus):Gold Coast Campus
Project Description:

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common chronic joint disease in Australia, affecting 1 in 5 people. Approximately 60% of people with hip OA undergo joint replacement within 3 years of first presenting to a healthcare professional, which highlights the ineffectiveness of current non-surgical treatments. Many people with hip OA are unsatisfied with their current management options.

This project will test the efficacy of a ‘smart’ therapeutic intervention for people with hip OA in a natural environment (i.e., home, gym, outdoors, clinic). This co-designed technology integrates cutting-edge neuromusculoskeletal models with advanced wearable technology and artificial intelligence to calculate hip loads in real-time. Outcomes will include efficacy of a personalised load-modification intervention for people with OA, characterisation of how people with hip OA load their hip in a natural environment, and identification of muscle forces that underpin hip loads during activities which drive symptom worsening and disease progression.

The Griffith Centre of Biomedical and Rehabilitation Engineering (GCORE) is situated within the Menzies Health Institute Queensland at Griffith University. The main research areas of GCORE are neuromusculoskeletal biomechanics and orthopaedics, with focus on the development and use of disruptive technologies to enable personalised management of chronic health conditions, as well as assess function and performance. We are looking for qualified and motivated individuals for PhD scholarship positions.

The GCORE team is a large cross-disciplinary team comprised of engineers, clinicians, biomedical scientists, industrial designers, and exercise scientists. Our approach is to work collaboratively, but with a keen focus on research excellence.

Funding Information

The 2024 Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship has an annual stipend of $33,480 (indexed) for a period of up to three years of full-time study. Please see the GUPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

A successful International applicant will also be awarded a Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to cover tuition fees for up to three years. Please see the GUIPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

Special Requirements

The selection of applicants for the award of higher degree research scholarships at Griffith University involves consideration of your academic merit and research background. A successful candidate is expected to hold a bachelor’s degree with first-class honours or a master’s degree. These degrees should incorporate a significant research component in either of biomechanics, biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, human movement science, kinesiology, or related degrees. Essential skills include knowledge in rigid-multibody dynamics (OpenSim) and computer programming skills (MATLAB, Python or C++).

Expressions of interest are welcome from domestic and international applicants.
Applicants must have completed, or expect to complete, a bachelors degree with honours equivalent to first class honours or a Masters degree (AQF Level 9) incorporating a significant research component of a standard comparable to a bachelor honours degree or be regarded by Griffith University as having an equivalent level of attainment in accordance with Schedule One of the HDR Scholarship Procedure. For further information on the eligibility requirements for the program refer here.
International applicants should ensure that English Language Proficiency requirements for the program are met before formally applying. Applicants to research programs will need to show they meet:

A minimum overall band score of 6.5 on the IELTS (Academic) with no band score less than 6.0 OR
A minimum score of 575 on the paper-based TOEFL including a score of no less than 5.0 on the TWE OR
A score of 79 on the internet-based (iBT) TOEFL with no sub-score less than 19

Additional Information

All expressions of interest must be submitted to [email protected] containing:

  • Statement addressing your suitability for the project/scholarship
  • Names of two referees
  • Evidence that you have completed a program with the required grades as detailed in the about you section, including a copy of your academic transcript
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) using the Griffith CV template

The closing date for expressions of interest is: 5pm Friday 30th August 2024

The preferred applicant will then be invited to apply for the program and scholarship online

Categories : PhD Health Sciences | PhD Bio, Chemie | GU Projects
University:Griffith University
Faculty:Griffith Health
Project Start Date:01.10.2024
Application Deadline:28.06.2024 (students interested in this or similar topics can contact the supervisor even after the deadline)
Supervisor Name:Professor Yin Xiao, Email: [email protected]
Location (City/Campus):Gold Coast Campus
Project Description:

Griffith Health is one of Australia’s leading health educators. Through leadership and innovation in teaching, research and community engagement, Griffith Health helps to create sustained improvement in health and healthcare for local, national and international communities. Griffith Health students benefit from award-winning Learning and Teaching staff, state-of-the-art facilities and world-renowned research programs within a purpose-built Griffith Health Centre. Griffith Health has five schools, School of Applied Psychology, School of Health Sciences and Social Work, School of Medicine and Dentistry, School of Nursing and Midwifery and School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences.

The School of Medicine and Dentistry provides state-of-the art facilities, including a comprehensive dental clinic in which our students learn their craft. The School offers postgraduate degrees in clinical dentistry, medicine, and public health, as well as undergraduate programs in dental health science, dental hygiene, dental prosthetics, and dental technology, paramedicine, and public health.

We are currently looking for two full time PhD candidates to perform cutting-edge research in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine & dentistry, stem cells and biomaterials.

The successful candidates will be working under the direct supervision of Distinguished Professor Yin Xiao. During the course of the PhD, the candidates will drive a research project that extends current knowledge about tissue (e.g., bone) regeneration or in a related areas mentioned above.

It is expected that the new basic knowledge generated will contribute to high-quality publications and potential clinical translation. Travel to national and international conferences will be available to the successful candidates.

This research project will be performed in the facilities at Griffith University Gold Coast campus.

Funding Information

The 2024 Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship has an annual stipend of $33,480 (indexed) for a period of up to three years of full-time study. Please see the GUPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

A successful International applicant will also be awarded a Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to cover tuition fees for up to three years. Please see the GUIPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

Special Requirements

The selection of applicants for the award of higher degree research scholarships at Griffith University involves consideration of your academic merit and research background.

Expressions of interest are welcome from domestic and international applicants.
Applicants must have completed, or expect to complete, a bachelors degree with honours equivalent to first class honours or a Masters degree (AQF Level 9) incorporating a significant research component of a standard comparable to a bachelor honours degree or be regarded by Griffith University as having an equivalent level of attainment in accordance with Schedule One of the HDR Scholarship Procedure. For further information on the eligibility requirements for the program refer here.
Please note:

Ideally you will also have (not necessary but preferred):

  • Experience in tissue regeneration research
  • Experience in immunology research
  • Experience in cell molecular biology

International applicants should ensure that English Language Proficiency requirements for the program are met before formally applying. Applicants to research programs will need to show they meet:

A minimum overall band score of 6.5 on the IELTS (Academic) with no band score less than 6.0 OR
A minimum score of 575 on the paper-based TOEFL including a score of no less than 5.0 on the TWE OR
A score of 79 on the internet-based (iBT) TOEFL with no sub-score less than 19

Additional Information

All expressions of interest must be submitted to [email protected] containing:

  • Statement addressing your suitability for the project/scholarship
  • Names of two referees
  • Evidence that you have completed a program with the required grades as detailed in the about you section, including a copy of your academic transcript
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) using the Griffith CV template.
  • Research proposal

The closing date for expressions of interest is: 5pm Friday 28th June 2024

The preferred applicant will then be invited to apply for the program and scholarship on-line

Categories : PhD Health Sciences | PhD Bio, Chemie | GU Projects

Grundlegendes zum Schwerpunkt Medizin, Gesundheitswissenschaften & Psychologie

Forschung in den Gesundheits- und Medizinwissenschaften und der Psychologie stellt das physische und mentale Wohlbefinden des Menschen in den Mittelpunkt. Ziel ist es, neue und innovative Wege zu finden, Krankheiten zu identifizieren, zu heilen und zu verhindern und eine Bereitstellung von effizienten Gesundheitsdiensten zu gewährleisten. Die Frage, wie Gesellschaften die Gesundheit und Gesundheitsversorgung ihrer Bevölkerung sichern, wird im Zuge der aktuellen globalen Veränderungen immer wichtiger. Mit seinen grundlegenden Fragestellungen gehört dieser Forschungsbereich zu den neun nationalen „Research Priorities“ in Australien. Mit renommierten internationalen Forschungspartnern setzen sich die australischen Universitäten darüber hinaus für die Lösung globaler gesundheitswissenschaftlicher Herausforderungen ein. 

Bitte beachten

Medizinstudierende, die sich für ein PhD-Programm in Australien bewerben wollen, brauchen einen Nachweis über substantielle Forschungserfahrung während ihres Studiums. Dieser Nachweis kann auch durch die deutsche Doktorarbeit erbracht werden. 

Deine Ansprechpartnerinnen im Bereich Forschung