Promotion an der
University of Adelaide

With more than 4000 research staff and students working together, University of Adelaide generates outcomes that makes our world better. From more sustainable food production to a healthier climate. From improved health and wellbeing to cleaner energy sources. From our own backyard to the farthest shores.

As a member of the Group of Eight, a coalition of Australia's most research-intensive institutions, the University is a destination of choice for highly talented researchers, students, government and industry partners. 

Outstanding research universities share some common characteristics. They respond to emerging global and national priorities, they have access to high-quality facilities and they are surrounded by highly talented researchers and higher degree students. From excellent international rankings (which see us placed in the top 1% of universities worldwide), through to research income success, great people and structure make us outstanding. 

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The time you invest in a PhD at the University of Adelaide is an investment in yourself and your future. It will accelerate your personal development, professional capabilities and career opportunities in ways no other experience can.

Key Research Areas

  • Agriculture, Food and Wine
  • Defence, Space and Cyber
  • Health and Biotech
  • Energy and Sustainability

Top Research Centres

  • Waite Research Institute
  • Australian Institute for Machine Learning
  • Robinson Research Institute
  • Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing
  • Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources
  • South Australian Immunogenomics Cancer Institute (SAIGENCI) and Environment Institute

Top 5 Research Achievements

  • The UofA's AI technology, based on computer vision and machine learning, is a leader in the world for space application such as space junk pose estimation. The work also includes developing robotic manipulation technology to acquire space debris once located.
  • The UofA leads research into a new plasma-based, space-ready process for the production of agriculture fertiliser. The process will help space travellers to grow their own food. 
  • The largest study into meningococcal B vaccination and herd immunity conducted by UofA has global importance for vaccination programs and policy.
  • The UofA is developing new tools and strategies to help grape growers and winemakers avoid, or mitigate smoke taint which is highly relevant due to the increased risk of bushfires expected to increase with climate change.
  • The UofA has lead collaborative efforts with the Kaurna Australian Aboriginal people to successfully revive their language. The Kaurna language - unheard for nearly 160 years - is now back in daily use.


  • Over 50 Research Centres
  • About 2300 Research Students
  • About 2000 Research Staff/Supervising academics


  • The GOstralia! Research Centre in cooperation with University of Adelaide award exclusive PhD full tution fee scholarships open to all faculties. More information
  • More funding information and application deadline available here.


My PhD journey: Nathan Jones

Weitere PhD Candidate Stories findest du hier.

Research Projects

ADL Projects

Das GOstralia! Research Centre

Wir bieten individuelle Beratung und Bewerbungsdurchführung für alle EU-Staatsangehörigen und auf das Forschungsthema zugeschnitten.

Um die Vorteile dieser attraktiven Forschungslandschaft umfassend und effektiv nutzen zu können, unterstützen wir bei der Suche nach geeigneten PhD-Programmen, wissenschaftlichen Betreuern und passenden Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten. Natürlich helfen wir auch bei der Zusammenstellung der Bewerbungsunterlagen und führen für dich die Bewerbung an der gewünschten Universität kostenfrei durch - sowohl für das PhD-Programm als auch für Forschungsstipendien. Wir haben Deadlines und Besonderheiten im Bewerbungsablauf genau im Blick. Durch unsere direkten Kontakte zu den einzelnen Hochschulen wird der Bewerbungsprozess auch für ein PhD-Programm überschaubar

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